Vitamin B1 Thiamine Deficiency can cause Serious DiseasesWarning: Vitamin B1 Deficiency can cause these Serious Diseases. Do Not Ignore these Symptoms.
Many types of vitamins and minerals are needed to maintain a healthy body. One of them is vitamin B1, also known as thiamine. It helps the body convert carbohydrates into energy. This vitamin is necessary for metabolism and plays an important role in the proper functioning of nerves, muscles, and the heart.
You might be surprised to know that vitamin B1 is the only B vitamin that scientists first discovered. It is very important to take this vitamin, because its deficiency can lead to very serious diseases. Let’s find out what diseases can occur due to the lack of vitamin B1 in the body and what are the symptoms in the case of deficiency.
Common Symptoms of Vitamin B1 Deficiency:
Loss of Appetite
Fatigue (Slow or Sudden).
Lack of Energy.
Symptoms of Malnutrition
Vitamin B1 Deficiency Disease Leads to:
Experts say that vitamin B1 deficiency causes beriberi. Although this disease mainly affects children, it affects both men and women equally. Tingling, swelling in the legs, muscle aches, mental confusion, slurred speech, vision problems, memory loss, rash on the body, etc. Symptoms of this disease can be serious thus needs immediate medical attention.
Other Diseases Caused by Vitamin B1 Deficiency:
Mental illness
Alzheimer’s Disease
Metabolic Diseases
Vitamin B1 Sources:
Wheat Flour
Rice and Lentils
All Grains
Nuts (Dried Fruit)
Cauliflower, Peas, Potatoes
An egg
What are the Disadvantages of Taking Excessive Vitamin B1?
Experts say that taking vitamin B1 in high doses, in normal cases, does not cause any harm, but in some rare cases there may be a rash, a feeling of nervousness, allergies, insomnia.
Most of the effects of thiamine deficiency, if diagnosed, can be reversed with the help of supplements. Under supervision of a doctor, high dose supplementation may be used in severe cases.
The related article is prepared to increase the information and awareness of the reader. The information given in the article is based on general assumptions, which I do not confirm. Get expert advice or Consult your doctor for more details.