Thing’s Not Going Your Way — 5 Rules To Unconditional Success. Tony Kelner
Tried and Tested Rules of Success FOR YOU.
There is only one thing that stands between your success and failure i.e., self-discipline or self-control. While successful people master self-discipline, unsuccessful people fail miserably at self-discipline. If you fall into the latter category, don’t be disappointed. By making these 5 undeniable rules, a part of your life, you too can be successful.
First Rule of Success: Stick to Your Plan.
You can only be successful if you stick to your plan. That is, no matter what happens, you act according to the already established plan. When you’re feeling lonely and tempted to send a bad-for-you message to your ex-girlfriend or boyfriend, or when you’re tempted to eat sweets that will ruin your diet plan, practise letting go of the discomfort to bear. It means strictly refraining from doing these things. Although people are often led to believe that it will be beneficial to “just do it once,” research shows otherwise. Every time you give up, your self-control diminishes. So, any work that shouldn’t be done shouldn’t be done at any cost. There should be no such thing as once or twice. Practice tolerating discomfort, even if you are very upset.
Second Rule of Success: Talk to Yourself and Elucidate Your Plan Over and Over in Your Mind.
Just assuming “I don’t want to do what I don’t want” won’t make everything okay. The mind is constantly thinking of the things that keep you from pursuing your goals. Your seductive mind will try to convince you why you should not do this job, just once. When the mind tries to persuade you, you must also try to persuade the mind. Save some very practical and motivational quotes. If possible, write it somewhere where you can see it, in case you get stuck. These quotes are helpful in resisting temptation in moments of weakness. Some of the quotes are: “I can do it” or “I am doing a good job of achieving my goals.” Saying these things helps keep you on track.
Third Rule of Success: Imagine the Happiness That Comes After You Achieve Your Goal.
When you decide to do work or not to do it, you have to remember what you want to achieve with it. In other words, focusing on the importance of your goals reduces temptation. So, if you focus on how much better you’ll feel when you pay off your car loan in full, you’ll be less tempted to buy something that could blow your budget for the month. That is, imagine the happiness you will feel if you achieve your current goal. Your mind will be with you and leave unnecessary distractions behind. Tony Kelner
Fourth Rule of Success: Try to Change Circumstances to Avoid Difficult Situations.
Sometimes we easily deviate from our goals because we put ourselves in a situation from which we can be easily distracted. For example, you decided to reduce extravagance. Any which way, you have to control it. If going out with friends will cost you then you should stop going out with friends. Also, If you know that going out with friends can cost you a lot, don’t carry a lot of money with you. Take such steps that it is impossible to not quit in the face of temptation. Avoid putting yourself in a situation where you need to deviate from the goal.
Fifth Rule of Success: You Must Know Why You Do Not Repeat Mistakes.
You should make a list of all the reasons why you don’t want to repeat your mistake. Keep this list with you. Whenever you are tempted to return to old behavioral habits, read this list. This can increase your motivation to resist repeating old habits. For example, write a list of reasons why you should go for a walk after dinner. When your brain wants to watch TV on the couch instead of exercising, immediately read the reasons for what would happen if you didn’t exercise. This little verification system will keep you motivated to keep going.
Success in life doesn’t come by accident. It takes a lot of fortitude and big-picture thinking, as well as the will to get over the concerns that could otherwise prevent you from accepting larger rewards.
Work on reducing the barriers of narrow-mindedness, conformity, and self-imposed constraints in order to exponentially raise success standards. Establish high expectations and never apologies for them. People that want to work in your favour will go to all lengths to fulfil your objectives.