The Art of Being Kind to Yourself

Tony Kenler
8 min readNov 11, 2023


Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the rush of daily responsibilities and neglect the most important relationship in your life - the one with yourself. Practicing self-care and managing your inner world skillfully is the foundation for true happiness and having a positive impact on those around you.

By taking some small, consistent steps each day to be kind to yourself, you can create ripples of peace outward to your loved ones and community. Here are 15 key practices for living in greater harmony with yourself and others:

1. Carve Out Daily Self-Care Time

Even just one hour in the morning dedicated to self-care can make a tremendous difference. Find a peaceful spot to meditate, reflect, or engage in uplifting reading/listening. Treat this time as an important daily ritual that energizes you for the day ahead. Just as you need food to nourish your body, your mind equally needs quality nutrition in the form of elevated thoughts.

Start your day with an hour of meditation. You will find this empowers you to remain calm, kind, and focused throughout the day’s activities. You can create inner nourishment by finding whatever solo contemplative practices resonate with you.

Protect this time each morning to fill your inner reserves of peace and clarity before pouring energy into responsibilities, work, and relationships. Just one hour of intentional self-care makes the rest of your hours flow smoother. Treat yourself to the gift of undivided attention.

2. Be Gentle With Your Mind

Treat your mind as gently as you would a baby. If negative or anxious thoughts arise during the day, pause and withdraw from the situation mentally. Imagine cradling your mind with care, reading positive affirmations or listening to a calming song. Then, once inner balance is restored, you can re-approach the situation or person with equanimity.

Remember, your thoughts create your emotional state. By caring for your mind, you care for your peace of heart. Don't allow negativity to accumulate and cry unheard like an unattended baby. Be a consoling parent to your own thoughts, listening patiently and soothing any upsets or outbursts. Respond gently inward just as you wish others would respond to you.

3. Monitor Your Thoughts

Set up routine check-ins with yourself throughout the day. After finishing an activity or at the top of each hour, check your emotional barometer. Are any worrisome thoughts pulling you down? Release them through writing in a journal or talking to a trusted friend or mentor.

It's easy to stay so outer-focused that you lose awareness of inner turmoil brewing. These regular check-ins shine light on your inner world so you can course-correct early. Make it a consistent practice to scan your thoughts, feelings, and energy level hourly. Just a moment of conscious introspection keeps you centered amidst the busyness of life.

4. Release Turmoil Before Bed

Never go to sleep troubled. The mind processes our experiences during sleep, encoding memories and impressions. If you end the day agitated, anxious thoughts will infiltrate your subconscious and arise again easily, setting up negative thought patterns.

Instead, reflect compassionately on your day before bed. Were there areas you could have thought or acted with more understanding and grace? Let go of self-judgment. Then extend forgiveness and wish others well. Your mind will rest deeply knowing all is well. Spend at least 10 minutes journaling or meditating to settle any heaviness before retiring for the night. Let the tension of the day dissolve in the silence.

5. Bound Your Technology Use

While tools like smartphones provide valuable connectivity and information, many find themselves controlled by technology rather than using it consciously. Set boundaries around when and where you can use devices and for how long. For example, put your phone away after 8pm on weeknights.

Choose inspiring reading material before bed rather than getting pulled into aimless browsing. Limit checking work emails to set times to maintain healthy work-life balance. You control technology, not the other way around. Regain sovereignty over your attention rather than letting it get fragmented by digital distraction. The space between tasks is meant for replenishment.

6. Take Responsibility for Your Inner State

Your first and greatest commitment is to manage your inner world. When you master your moods and thoughts, you gain the power to direct your life with intentionality. Begin each day by setting a positive theme such as kindness, patience, or forgiveness. Then align your thoughts, words, and actions accordingly.

If you ever find yourself irritated or disappointed with someone else, pause. Turn your attention inward and clean up any negativity or judgment that has collected there. You can't radiate light while filled with inner shadows. Purify your lens by doing your own inner work first. The outer world will then come into proper focus.

7. Influence Others Through Your Vibrations

Your inner state influences people around you subconsciously. When you cultivate peace and wisdom within, people pick up on the positive vibrations you emanate and are drawn to your example. If you want to inspire change in someone close to you, be the living embodiment of that change through consistent self-care and personal growth. Your devotion will spark transformation without a word.

People are sensitive to energies beneath the surface. They will unconsciously pick up on the light inside you and feel uplifted without knowing why. You become like a lighthouse guiding ships in the dark simply by steadying the beam of awareness within. Your presence speaks louder than anything you could say.

8. Commit to Daily Self-Reflection

The busier your outer life, the more you need a centering daily ritual of self-connection - whether it's meditation, prayer, journaling, or spiritual reading. Think of it as an anchor keeping you aligned with your true priorities rather than getting lost in trivialities. When you reflect on how you want to live and care for yourself each day, you become the author of your inner world instead of reactively shaped by outer circumstances.

Your identity and values grow directly from this habit of checking in with your deepest wisdom. People led astray easily lose their moral compass amidst the clamor of society. Anchoring in your truth daily provides clarity. When faced with choices large and small, consult your inner compass. It always guides you right.

9. Invest in Yourself

Self-care is not selfish - it's self-wisdom. When you water your own soul daily, everyone around you benefits from your blossoming. You can't pour from an empty pitcher. A few minutes recharging your inner battery saves hours of drain later. Consider your own needs with as much care as you give your loved ones. You deserve your own devotion.

Is there any area you have neglected that now requires replenishment? What part of yourself craves expression or development? Your unique gifts long to be nurtured for the world to enjoy. Don't defer self-care - true selflessness comes from modeling self-love and fulfilling your potential. Generosity begins by filling yourself first before overflowing.

10. Create Daily Rituals of Peace

Weave small rituals of peace into your day - at sunrise, at mealtimes, during transitions. Keep favorite spiritual passages or quotes by your bed, in your wallet, on your refrigerator. Choose mantras to repeat during daily activities like walking, washing dishes, or getting ready in the morning. Habituate your mind to uplifting thoughts as an antidote to fear or distraction.

Peace needs cultivating daily like a garden. Even a few minutes refresh and center you when pulled in too many directions. Drink deeply from wisdom traditions that inspire you. Let sacred writings fertilize your mind with noble thoughts to crowd out weeds of worry. Create spiritual markers throughout your day as reminders of tranquility.

11. Be Kind to Yourself in Thoughts

Most people are far kinder to others than themselves. Notice the tone of your self-talk. Do you dwell on mistakes and criticize your shortcomings? Instead, talk gently to yourself as a friend. Dwell on your positive qualities and noble intentions. See yourself through the eyes of compassion. Becoming your own best friend changes everything.

The mind believes what it repeatedly tells itself. Make your inner voice uplifting. When you commit errors, respond with patience and resolve to learn rather than judgment. Talk yourself through challenging experiences like you would a friend in need. Give encouragement, point out progress, listen with care. Lift yourself up.

12. Be Kind to Yourself in Habits

Make choices each day that represent self-love in action - whether it's enjoying time in nature, eating healthy foods, exercising, listening to uplifting music, or spending time with spiritually-minded friends. Think of nourishing your mind, body, and spirit. How can you thoughtfully care for all aspects of yourself? Kindness starts with how you treat yourself.

Consider keeping a self-care checklist with items you want to incorporate daily like: drink water, get sunlight, have a nutritious meal, move your body, laugh, express gratitude, nurture a relationship. Checking these off helps ensure your needs are covered amidst responsibilities. Make self-care a habit, not an afterthought.

13. Let Others Be Their Way

Extend the grace you give yourself to others. Rather than judging, understand everyone is on their own journey, shaped by different backgrounds and experiences than yours. People do the best they can within their level of awareness. If someone treats you unkindly, remain peaceful. Remember, their behavior says more about them than you. Wish them well and move on.

With self-acceptance comes tolerance for how others choose to live. Don't impose your values or preferences. Offer compassion that helps others feel safe to grow at their own pace. Let relationships be mutual uplifting, not one-sided fixing. Allow others their own path, just as you do yourself.

14. You Need Nothing From Others

When you stop looking to others for approval, validation, or praise, you free yourself from the emotional rollercoaster of outer opinions. You are complete without external rewards. Trust your own inner compass of values like integrity and wisdom. Cooperate without needing credit. Give without requiring gratitude. You need only yourself.

Needing others' validation keeps you pinned to their shifting moods. Realizing you lack nothing within liberates you to act from inspiration rather than hunger for approval. Your actions flow unattached to results. You live to give, not to get. Fulfillment wells up from within.

15. Small Steps Create Major Change

Don't underestimate the power of small, consistent actions to transform your life. Drop a pebble of peace into the lake of your consciousness each day through prayer, meditation, or uplifting media. These ripples accumulate into waves of change over time. Encourage yourself with the mantra: "A little each day adds up to big results!"

Like compounded interest, the benefits of daily spiritual practices grow exponentially over time. Remind yourself that every increment of effort lays another brick in the foundation. Construct self-change patiently. Once your foundation is laid, the real fruits of transformation can unfold.

The Bottom Line

To live with grace and belonging, care for your inner world with the same devotion you show others. Make self-love and self-wisdom daily practices. All the peace you cultivate within gets channeled outward to uplift your every relationship and endeavor. The greatest gift you can give the world is the gift of your growth.



Tony Kenler
Tony Kenler

Written by Tony Kenler

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