Shaping Our Reality Through Conscious Thinking

Tony Kenler
3 min readNov 10, 2023


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Our thoughts and perceptions have immense power to shape our experience of life. The same external situation can be perceived in uplifting or detrimental ways depending on our mental outlook. By being mindful of our thinking and intentionally cultivating positive thoughts, we can elevate our energy and vibration. This allows us to navigate life's challenges from an empowered state of peace and stability.

The mind is like a garden - the seeds we plant will determine what grows. When we consciously choose to plant seeds of optimism, acceptance, and goodwill, we experience their fruits. Our thoughts create our reality.

Blessing Others is Blessing Ourselves

When we wish others well or have positive thoughts about them, we receive the energy of those thoughts first. Sending blessings is like switching on an uplifting frequency that broadcast through us before reaching others. The purity of our mental space is reflected back to us.

So when someone treats us unkindly, we can let go of taking offense. By thinking “May they find inner peace and wisdom”, we bless ourselves with serenity. We can wish them well, without condoning their actions. This stops us from descending into negative rumination which would only disturb our own inner state.

Releasing Expectations, Accepting Unconditionally

A major source of suffering is the expectations we impose on how things should be. People and situations are often not aligned with our preconceived notions, resulting in disappointment. By practicing unconditional acceptance of what is, we can relieve ourselves of unnecessary anguish.

Everything has a right to exist as it is - even our own thoughts and emotions. When we stop resisting the present moment, inner space opens up. Acceptance is not the same as weakness or resignation. We can accept things as they are, while also taking wise action to create positive change. With acceptance, we act from a place of inner power rather than reaction.

Cleaning Our Inner Space

Lasting outer change must come from inner change. When our inner space is filled with old regrets, anger and hurts, our state of being reflects that. To elevate our vibration, we must cleanse our inner garden.

This involves acknowledging past pain, but not holding on to it. We realize that others' actions reflect their own inner struggles and limitations. With this understanding, we can forgive them and ourselves. By letting go of grudges, we lighten our energetic burden enormously.

We are all beings of light, obscured by the dust of our accumulated pain. As we clean our inner mirror, our true essence starts shining through. The purity of our inner space elevates our thoughts, emotions and physical health. We transform from within.

The Power of Peaceful Living

Being positive and peaceful in mundane daily interactions builds energy to maintain this state even when bigger challenges arise. If we are irritated by small disturbances, it is difficult to be unshaken when a crisis hits.

By taking responsibility for our thoughts and catching ourselves when we start mentally spiraling, we can interrupt old negative habits. We become the witness of our inner chatter. Each time we consciously choose faith over fear, love over resentment, we rewire our neuronal pathways.

This further strengthens our capacity to think positively. With practice, it becomes our natural way of living, rather than something requiring effort. We experience progressive inner freedom and stability.

We Are All Works in Progress

On this journey of conscious living, it is unhelpful to compare ourselves with saints or enlightened beings. We are all works in progress, each starting from where we are. While inspired by their example, we must be patient with ourselves.

Even one small positive thought is significant. Rich inner treasures accumulate from such small spiritual investments every day. We need not worry about the pace as long as we are moving in the right direction.

The very desire for greater consciousness indicates the presence of light within us. The light does not judge itself - it simply illuminates. Our inherent goodness is revealed as we gently walk the path of self-realization, one step at a time.



Tony Kenler
Tony Kenler

Written by Tony Kenler

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