Manifest Whatever You Want
Make a difference with what you think!
Whatever you think, it will entice you at that moment! You are going to do something for yourself or someone else or around you. Do you know why bad things happen more than good things? Because we walk in this world with negative thoughts, terrible thoughts, anxious thoughts, anxiety, anger, and attention, we more of that to ourselves.
Your thoughts and your words are so powerful! If there is the slightest emotional feeling about you, it is likely to appear. You have the God-given power to create this life experience. Remember, you are here to create your own, personal, life experience. The Creator has given you this gift and free will. You are now an adult and have complete control over what you are doing. You have such power!
As children, our parents controlled our lives as well as other official statistics. They choose what we believe, how we control ourselves through others' intentions and beliefs, and how we feel. But now we are in control and can choose to do what we want with our intentions and do what we choose to believe. We have such freedom!
Check here to know: How to Manifest Freedom, Peace, Love Happiness
The problem is, as adults we do not accept this power in our lives and let others control us in many ways. If you want to play someone else’s game, you have to follow the rules. There are rules at work and how to make dishes for example. There are not many varieties to make dishes. If you want to make the dishes you want to finish you follow the rule’s schedule. You follow the program when you choose the dishes. There is nothing wrong with that. So what we are doing is agreeing to follow programs to achieve certain tasks. At work, they expect you to follow the schedule they have set for you. There is nothing wrong with accepting that. But following that program and doing that work is still your choice.
Everything you have a passionate feeling for becomes a purpose. It manifests in your life. An intention is a deliberately emotional idea. Idea car. Emotion is gas. Where focus goes, energy flows thus thoughts will go wherever you want it to go. But how many emotionally charged thoughts do we have each day? What is the main idea with emotion in your life right now? Are you afraid of losing your job? Then you reveal. Is there a lack of money or a fear of things in your life? Then your life will look the same. The feeling of whether you have energy, fear or anxiety, or lack thereof is a very powerful gas!
Are you worried about future moments, which could happen with fear or error? Then what are you exposing? Do you remember the fear or anxiety or lack of it about the past? Then you are now more exposed. Get out of the past and future and live fully now. This is your moment.
If you want to reveal the beautiful things in your life, you need to understand that positive emotions are the gas that fills your tank, not the negative. Well, happy, hopeful, eager to do anything for you, how much time do you spend? No wonder we regret so much in our life!
We should focus on the positive, not the negative. We can reduce our worries and fears and anxieties and focus on the good feelings and soon find out that a lot of good things are starting to appear around us. Our driving feelings of love, peace, joy, satisfaction should be constant. If we can learn positive emotions from time to time, we will express our life in many ways and we will be happy at all times as we express good things in our life.
Do not blame the employer or spouse or children for what appears in your life. It works internally and you can rotate them whenever you want.
When we choose a purpose, we call Don Juan Matus “inexplicable forces” to bring expression into our lives. We do not control inexplicable forces. We swallow the button on this big machine and swallow as much as we want to expose. So when we choose a purpose, we set the speed on the wheels, which means the way the machine brings us. Inexplicable forces determine the circumstances and circumstances that are to come in your life. People can come into your life or leave your life. The position to move or change jobs may be in motion. If you want to learn patience, there will be situations and situations in your life that will teach you patience. You may find yourself waiting, waiting, and waiting in all sorts of situations because you want to learn patience.
Students of this course pushed the button on the machine to learn about the powers of relief and the means of trouble. The machine eliminates situations and situations and experiences in your life to experience these things. Many of you have now discovered that you can meet your guides. What you never intended before but now you have. You have now found that you can access your inner feelings more easily because this is your intention now, which was never before your intention. You want to find balance and peace in your life because you wanted to find balance in your life where you have never done before. Those of you who feel sentimental about this course, have a desire to learn it, have a passion for this new experience in your life, and watch these things, it will happen faster and more beautifully in your life. Seems to be compared to students who are just studying the course but do not intend to experience it.
Check here to know: How to Manifest Health, Wealth & Prosperity