Harness the Power of Your Mind: Harmonic Interplay of Conscious-Subconscious Dynamic

Tony Kenler
7 min readNov 11, 2023


Photo by DKunert on pixabay.com

The conscious and subconscious minds together form the full mind of an individual. Though they are part of the same overall mind, they operate very differently. Grasping the relationship between the two is key to unlocking the mind's full potential.


The conscious mind is the aspect we actively think with to reason, analyze situations, weigh alternatives, and come to conclusions. It is the deliberative, problem-solving, and decision-making part of the mind. We consciously mull over complex choices like where to live, who to build a life with, or what career path to follow. The conscious mind takes in information from the outside world through the five senses, processes it, and decides what to let in and how to respond. It acts as a gatekeeper or filter, allowing in some inputs and keeping out others.

In contrast, the subconscious mind passively absorbs any information passed to it from the conscious mind without analysis or judgment of validity. It does not reason out whether inputs are right or wrong, true or false. It accepts all uncritically, treating all input as true.

The subconscious stores information as interconnected memories, skills, associations, emotions, and impressions. It operates on a single track, avoiding argument or controversy.

While the subconscious mind operates silently out of sight, it exerts incredible influence over our lives. The interplay between conscious and subconscious determines our experience of reality.

Two Spheres of Activity Within One Mind

Ancient wisdom passed down through the ages and recent advances in psychology concur that there is but one universal mind shared in common, with the conscious and subconscious being two aspects of the same mind. There are not two distinct minds or beings inhabiting the body. The seeming duality is an illusion, as is the sense of separation.

The conscious mind gives each person a unique perspective and degree of individuality. It interfaces with the outer world through the five senses. If the mind is pictured as an iceberg, the conscious mind is the exposed tip above water, while the subconscious is the enormous depth beneath.

The Conscious Mind: Reasoning Will and Decision Maker

The conscious mind is our active thinking self, the aspect we identify as "I." It exercises reason, willpower, analysis, and choice. It makes decisions aligned with our learning, knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, goals and priorities. We consciously guide our lives by interpreting information from our five senses. For instance, we use our perception and reasoning to choose careers, partners, and places to live that align with our interests, needs and desires.

The conscious mind figures out strategies for manifesting what we want to achieve in life. It deliberates over the pros and cons of alternatives, makes considered judgments about what steps to take, and scrutinizes new information before arriving at carefully thought out conclusions. It operates based on logic, not blind faith. Our free will and ability for self-direction arise from the power of the conscious mind.

The Subconscious Mind: Passive Absorber and Executor

While the conscious mind selectively analyzes input, the subconscious is an indiscriminate repository accepting whatever the conscious mind feeds it without filtering anything out. It does not evaluate the validity, worthiness or morality of the input it receives. Right or wrong, true or false, it accepts all equally.

The subconscious does not reason in a linear, logical fashion. It operates through instinct, association, imagination and emotion. Information is recorded as vivid memories interlinked with related experiences, feelings and imagery. These impressions activate associated ideas and responses automatically. Our instincts, intuitions and gut reactions all arise from the subconscious.

The subconscious mind actualizes the deeply ingrained beliefs, assumptions and programming it receives from the conscious mind, whether positive or negative. It cannot distinguish between what is helpful or harmful, constructive or destructive. The subconscious mind systematically brings to reality whatever the conscious mind repeatedly impresses upon it.

The Subconscious Subject to the Conscious

Lacking discernment or discretion, the subconscious depends on the conscious mind's direction and control. The conscious leads, the subconscious follows. This reflects the hierarchical relationship between the two minds.

Biblical tradition uses the husband to represent the conscious mind and the wife the subconscious. As the husband leads his wife, so too the conscious leads the subconscious. This illustrates the conscious mind's supremacy in directing the subconscious.

The subconscious cannot subvert or rebel against the conscious mind's authority. Through persistent beliefs, assumptions and repetition, the conscious programs the subconscious mind. To reshape the subconscious, you must first shift what the conscious mind accepts as true.

The subconscious is subordinate to the conscious mind's leadership and sovereignty. Recognizing this core dynamic is pivotal to molding the mind and life you want.

The Subconscious: Gateway to the Superconscious

While the conscious mind is our active thinking self, and the subconscious passively absorbs the conscious's input, there is another realm of mind beyond both - the superconscious. The superconscious connects us to universal consciousness - our higher Self and the source of intuitive wisdom.

The subconscious serves as the bridge between the conscious and superconscious. In meditation when the conscious mind is calmed and subconscious input suspended, the superconscious awakens. The subconscious can transmit inspiration and insight from the superconscious to the conscious mind.

The conscious mind communicates its patterns of thought and belief to the subconscious, which in turn releases corresponding emotions, habits and behaviors. Simultaneously, impressions from the enlightened superconscious filter down through the subconscious, lifting and shaping its tendencies.

Aligning the Conscious and Subconscious

Ideally the three facets of mind - conscious, subconscious and superconscious - work in synergy. This happens when conscious thought and intent align with the wisdom and higher guidance streaming through the superconscious.

However, if the conscious mind frequently enters negative or limiting thought patterns, it programs the subconscious with distorted views. The subconscious then creates experiences reflecting those distortions rather than the expansive good wished for us by the superconscious.

For optimal functioning and achievement, it is vital to harmonize the conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind must attune to inspired insights and direction from the creative superconscious, rather than preconceived notions. When conscious attention aligns with higher wisdom, the subconscious absorbs these empowering patterns which generate positive results.

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is extremely powerful and influential. It:

- Stores all our memories, skills and learning accumulated through life.

- Shapes our emotions, beliefs, habits and behaviors.

- Generates our spontaneous reactions and gut instincts.

- Directs all functions of the body such as breathing, digestion and heart rate.

- Attracts people, opportunities and circumstances in alignment with its programmed tendencies.

- Brings into physical reality the beliefs and assumptions programmed into it.

- Communicates with the superconscious from which intuition and inspiration flow.

- Solves problems and releases creative ideas once the conscious relaxes its directing grip.

When the conscious focuses on desired goals, impressions are made on the subconscious, which mobilizes creative energies to fulfill them. If limiting beliefs have polluted the subconscious, clearing those will unleash greater powers toward success.

Three Steps to Master the Conscious-Subconscious Dynamic

Implementing three key steps empowers us to master the conscious-subconscious dynamic:

1. Inventory conscious thoughts and assumptions. Identifying any negative or restrictive beliefs we carry enables us to initiate positive change. We must become consciously aware of counterproductive patterns before we can dismantle them.

2. Affirm and visualize desired outcomes. Imagining desired results combined with positive affirmations repatterns the subconscious. Repeatedly impressing empowering visions and ideas causes subconscious alignment.

3. Let go and allow the subconscious to follow through. Relaxing the constant chatter of the conscious mind creates space for subconscious energies to operate unhindered, aligned with our affirmative intentions.

Once we stop feeding the subconscious restrictive thoughts and concerns, it responds by taking action toward our conscious desires. Establishing dynamic conscious-subconscious rapport unlocks vast potential.

The Subconscious and Health

The connection between subconscious programming and physical health is now widely validated. Chronic stress and tension create biochemical changes lowering immunity. Continual negative emotions release cortisol, epinephrine, and other toxic hormones that compromise health.

Improper diet, lack of exercise, and self-limiting beliefs also lodge within the subconscious. These accumulate over time into disease-prone tendencies until illness results.

Just as negative patterns make us ill, positive habits can restore health. Hypnosis succeeds by bypassing the critical conscious mind and seeding the subconscious directly with healthy visions like releasing weight or stopping smoking. Yoga's deep relaxation similarly quiets the conscious chatter so subconscious changes emerge. Athletes visualize successful performances to program their subconscious which then guides somatic functioning and coordination.

Meditation also profoundly alters subconscious patterns,reducing stress and anxiety plaguing the modern psyche. Regular practice expands conscious awareness while bypassing the subconscious tendencies. As inner silence and space grow, so does inner balance.

The subconscious-conscious interplay constantly shapes us. The conscious mind's job is to intentionally direct the subconscious, not allow it to run on outdated auto-pilot programs operating below awareness.

Harmonic Conscious-Subconscious Relations

For personal awakening and success, the conscious mind's beliefs must harmonize with the heart's wisdom and the superconscious spirit's inspiration. When the conscious aligns with urgent messages arising from quiet inner depths, we gain an unobstructed channel for creative expression.

The rational conscious mind and the inwardly drawn subconscious and superconscious complete each other, concordantly orchestrated. Their seamless unification leads to mastery over life. Out of their harmonic interaction emerges the awakened sage, scientist and artist. Personal mastery comes not by perfecting one faculty over the others, but aligning all in synthesis. When this synergistic fusion occurs, we transcend limitation and realize unity with the eternal creative principle animating the universe.


The conscious mind is our active thinking self that makes choices shaping life direction. The subconscious absorbs those conscious choices as imprinted patterns generating corresponding experiences. By feeding the subconscious positive visions and beliefs, we focus creative energies toward desired outcomes.

Conscious awareness must be actively engaged to notice limiting assumptions and Uncleared emotional blocks festering in the subconscious reservoir so they can be released. Taking inventory of beliefs, aligning choices with higher spiritual promptings, and allowing the subconscious full creative expression without limitation facilitates mastery of life.

Honing the relationship between the directive conscious mind and receptive subconscious unlocks dormant powers within that promise previously unimaginable possibilities. Your inner world reflects your outer world. By harmonizing these core facets of mind, you write the story of your life as you wish it to be.



Tony Kenler
Tony Kenler

Written by Tony Kenler

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